Video on the reporting requirements under PMLA

Video on the reporting requirements under PMLA

As per the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, all regulated entities including FIs, DNFBPs, and VASPs, are required to submit specific reports to India’s Financial Intelligence Unit.

In this video, we discussed the specific reporting requirements as per the PMLA guidelines. These specific requirements are discussed for the following reports:

  1. Cash Transaction Report (CTR)
  2. Property Transaction Report ( PTR)
  3. Cross Border Transaction Report (CBWTR)
  4. Counterfeit Currency Report (CCR)
  5. Non-Profit Organization Transaction Report (NTR)
  6. Suspicious Transaction Report (STR)

For these reports, the video explains the purpose of submitting this report and the period before which submission should be done to comply with AML/CFT rules.

After going through this video, you’ll able understand which report should be submitted under different scenarios.


  • 0:00 Introduction on Understanding the reporting requirements under PMLA
  • 0:32 What is Cash Transaction Report and its process?
  • 1:11 What is Property Transaction Report and its process?
  • 1:37 What is Cross Border Wire Transfer Report and its process?
  • 2:17 What is Counterfeit Currency Report and its process?
  • 3:02 What is Non-Profit Organization Transaction Report and its process?
  • 3:27 What is Suspicious Transaction Report and its process?
  • 4:00 Conclusion and Regards

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