The IFSCA (AML, CFT, and KYC) Guidelines, 2022, permits the regulated entities to apply Simplified Customer Due Diligence when the assessed risk posed by a particular customer is “low”. This Simplified Due Diligence aligns with the AML/CFT Program’s core concept – Risk-Based Approach.
Simplified Due Diligence does not mean that no risk mitigation measures are required. Instead, certain checks and measures should be applied to adequately manage the risk – though “low”.
Here is an infographic discussing the key measures prescribed under IFSCA (AML, CFT, and KYC) Guidelines to be adopted when following the SDD, which includes:
It is important to note that the regulated entities must not apply Simplified Due Diligence when any suspicious activity or ML/FT red flags have been observed while onboarding the customer or in the course of the business relationship. This is necessary to safeguard the business and stay IFSCA compliant.
Let AML India be your AML consultant to help you explore the IFSCA (AML, CFT, and KYC) Guidelines and develop a robust AML framework to ensure adherence to the regulatory landscape and protect the business against potential financial crime vulnerabilities.
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