AML Business Risk Assessment: Your journey to comply with PMLA, 2002 begins here!

AML Business Risk Assessment: Your journey to comply with PMLA, 2002 begins here!

The Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002 (PMLA) requires regulated entities to adopt a risk-based approach while implementing mitigation measures to manage the money laundering and terrorism financing risks. To do so, every regulated entity needs to assess the ML/FT risk their business is exposed to, i.e., AML Business Risk Assessment.

The regulated entities must identify the ML/FT vulnerabilities considering the risk factors such as its customer base, the geographies the entity is associated with – directly or through customers, the products and services it offers, etc.

Having identified the risk parameters, the regulated entity must assess the possibility of that risk materializing and its potential impact on the business if such risk occurs.

With this risk analysis, the regulated entity understands the inherent ML/FT risk faced by its business. Such inherent risk must be compared with the entity’s risk appetite, and appropriate mitigation measures must be designed accordingly. The entity’s AML framework, including policies, procedures and controls, must be in absolute sync with the AML Business Risk Assessment.

Here is an easy-to-understand infographic presenting the gist of AML Business Risk Assessment, a first step in the AML journey.

NIYEAHMA Consultants LLP is a global AML consulting firm focusing on PMLA compliance through its division – AML India. AML India offers a comprehensive range of AML consultancy to regulated entities, starting with performing AML Business Risk Assessment and customising the AML/CFT policies and procedures, AML training the teams to implement the AML program effectively.

We are committed to assisting proper enforcement of AML and CFT regulations to regulated entities in India by designing a personalised AML framework – policies, internal controls, and procedures – and ensuring effective implementation of the same.

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